

Tomatoes have the vital place in everybody’s kitchen. Luckily in India it is versatile food ingredient which comes in various shapes, sizes and colors. Tomatoes can be red, orange, yellow, green etc in color. The tomatoes are responsible substance for bringing the rich, warm and delicious tasty in the recipes.tomatoes

Although they do not possess the quality of making desserts but because of its subtle sweetness it is complimented by the bitter and acidic taste. From the month of June to September, it is a great season to get the wonderful and quality tomatoes in the market.

Be careful at the time of selecting the tomatoes as they should be round, smooth skinned, deep rich color and with heavy size. Purchasing the bulk and ripped tomatoes in cheap price is just a waste of money and time during preparation, its because the dish become tasteless and colorless.


  1. cherry tomatoes
  2. bright yellow tomatoes
  3. Italian pear-shaped tomatoes
  4. green tomatoes


  1. Tomatoes can be used in thousands of different ways, they can be chopped, slices, blanches, grated and many more.
  2. You can make delicious soups and salads from the fresh tomatoes.
  3. The chopped tomatoes are best to make any type of curry, gravy or bhuna recipe.
  4. The slices and cubes of tomatoes is the best source for making salads, for garnishing and so on.
  5. The blanched tomatoes can be used for making sweet, tart or colored pulps also.
  6. The rings of tomatoes can be used to make different type of exotic sandwiches.
  7. The cored tomatoes can be used for the stuffing purpose.
  8. The halves of tomatoes and the quartered tomatoes can be used for making salads, stir fried vegetables, pizza’s pasts, etc.
  9. Tomatoes are the great addition to bean and for making vegetable soups.
  10. Tomatoes is a great source of diet. The raw tomatoes can be turned into delicious diet salads. They can be also used for making diet omelets, sandwiches, wraps and many more such dishes.


  1. Tomatoes can be refrigerated for couple of weeks and can be freezed for many months.
  2. The moment you observe the pulpy, ripped or very soft tomato in your refrigerator, throw it out immediately, its because this tomato will damage your all other tomatoes and veggies.
  3. Tomatoes can be stored at room temperature but away from the direct sunlight exposure.


  1. The benefits and qualities of tomatoes are not only limited to your kitchen or dinning table, but also they are the excellent source of vitamin A,C and K in your body.
  2. Tomatoes are low in fat, hence here is the benefit of low calories, sodium and cholesterol-free food ingredient.
  3. Tomatoes are a great source of molybdenum, potassium, manganese, iron, dietary fiber, chromium, and vitamin B1.
  4. The consumption of fresh and healthy tomatoes is the basic source of vitamin B6, folate, copper, niacin, vitamin B2, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, vitamin E and protein.
  5. The contains of tomatoes have been declared to prevent the cancer, heart disease, cataracts etc at certain extent.
  6. Tomatoes are proven best for the growth and development of healthy teeth, bones, skin and hair, lowering blood pressure, etc.
  7.  They are best to maintain the cholesterol levels and also for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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