Benefits Of Green Tea

There are several Health Benefits of Green Tea, let’s have a great discovery session to know more about green tea. Green tea is well-known type of tea all over the world, but it was first introduced in China during the ancient period of time. Green tea was organically considered as a best treatment for the headache, stress and depression and now it has come in the list of health drink as well.

Several researches and studies have done about green tea and many lab reports and experts have declared that the regular use of green tea is good for preventing the heart diseases and some types of cancers. Green tea consist huge properties of antioxidants hence considered a very good source to remain healthy, it not only helps in reducing the weight of body but also helps in smooth functioning of body.

Some health disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis, High cholesterol level, Cardiovascular disease Infection and impaired immune functions can be treated with green tea. Green tea contains one of the most important property called as antioxidant poly phenols, notably a catechins called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), that is responsible for most of the health benefits.

Following are some more Health Benefits of Green Tea:

  • Green tea helps in preventing tooth decay. It has the ability to destroy the bacteria, also helps in preventing food poisoning.
  • Green tea is proven great to kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque.
  • Green tea helps in lowering the cholesterol levels and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
  • It inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots which is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
  • Green tea represses angiogenesis II that leads to high blood pressure & reduces the possibilities of heart attacks.
  • It also inhibits the growth of cancer cells without harming any healthy cell of the body.
  • The greenish-yellow tea has a green and slightly astringent flavor that is just like the taste of the fresh leaf.
  • People who consumes Green tea on daily basis have lower risk of getting sick as they are able to fight for a wide range of diseases, that can be from simple bacterial or viral infections to chronic diseases, also includes cardiovascular disease, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis.
  • Green tea is effective in lowering down the sugar level in a body, hence proven good for the diabetics, it also helps them controlling the sugar level without any extra effort.
  • Green tea contains poly phenols that simply helps in reducing the amount of amylase, that are produced by conversion of starch into sugar and hence the levels of sugar in the blood also decrease.
  • Green tea acts as an antibacterial and antiviral agent.
  • It also helps in getting relief from influenza and diarrhea.
  • It is very helpful to get relief from stress, headache and depression.
  • It simply improves bone structure and delays the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Green tea contains an important aspect called as EGCG, that is considered a powerful antioxidant with positive qualities for weight reduction and the presence of EGCG in green tea makes it more important for any health disorder.
  • Green tea helps in burning the fat & increasing metabolism naturally due to the presence of catechins poly phenols.
  • It lowers down the cholesterol & enhances fat oxidation.
  • Most of the reasons of getting fat are excess sugars and fats in the body, known as fat cells. Green tea catechins helps in preventing obesity by inhibiting the movement of glucose in fat cells.
  • If you want a slim-trim and an attractive personality and wants to look smart and gorgeous then you must start drinking green tea, it is fully natural without any side effects.




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